Neck Pain Treated
Cervical Pain , Cervical Joint Degeneration, Cervical Arthritis, and more.
Shoulder Pain Treated
Shoulder Injury, Rotator cuff tears, Shoulder Degeneration, Shoulder Bursitis, and more
Back Pain Treated
Back Pain, Facet Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease, Lumbar Arthritis / Osteoarthritis, and more
Wrist/Hand Pain Treated
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Wrist Arthritis, and more
Elbow Pain Treated
Variety of Elbow Conditions, Lateral Epicondylitis, Golfer’s Elbow, Distal Biceps Tendon Tear, and more
Hip Pain Treated
Variety of Hip Pain Conditions, Labrum tear, Hip Osteoarthritis, Hip Degeneration, Hip Bursitis, and more
Knee Pain Treated
Meniscus Tear, Knee Degeneration, ACL or PCL Injury, Chrondomalacia, and more
Foot/Ankle Pain Treated
Foot and Ankle Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, and more